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매달 암송할 성구입니다. “주의 말씀은 내 발에 등이요 내 길에 빛이니이다”(시 119:105)
작성일 : 20-02-14 03:39
Book of John: Bible Trivia Questions
 글쓴이 : 웹섬김…
조회 : 826  

1. Who has been sent from God to bear witness of 'true light'? John the Baptist.


2. Who was John the Baptist's father? Zechariah.


3. Who was John the Baptist's mother? Elizabeth. 


4. What kind of clothes did John the Baptist wear? Camel’s hair.


5. What type of insect did John the Baptist eat in the desert? Locust.

6. We all know John 3:16. To whom was Jesus speaking when he said this verse? Nicodemus.

7. The relationship of Jesus to John the Baptist was: Cousin.


8. The Word was where? With God.


9. Who baptized Jesus? John the Baptist.


10. How many apostles did Jesus have? 12.


11. Who were the first apostles called to follow Jesus? Peter and Andrew.


12. What does Simon Peter do for a living before he becomes an apostle? Fisherman.


13. The disciple who looked at the great crowd and answered, "Where shall we buy bread for these people to eat?" Philip.


14. Which disciple brought a child with five barley loaves and two fish to Jesus? Andrew.


15. How many people did Jesus feed with five loaves of bread and two fish? 5,000.


16. After Jesus fed 5,000 people with five loaves of bread and two fish, how many baskets were left over? 12.


17. Why did Jesus feed the five thousand and withdrew himself to a mountain? Knowing that people would come and make him king.


18. What is the name of the river in which John the Baptist baptized people? Jordan River.


19. What is the name of Jesus’ mother? Mary.


20. Who are the religious leaders who continually tried to trap Jesus with their questions? Pharisees.


21. To whom do you give authority to become children of God? Those who accept Jesus, believes in his name.


22. The law was given through Moses. What were given through Jesus Christ? Grace and Truth.


23. Whom did John the Baptist refer to as citing the prophet Isaiah's prophecy? The voice of one crying in the wilderness to straighten the way of the Lord.


24. Where was John's baptism across the Jordan river? Bethany.


25. What is John's primary purpose for baptizing with water? Representing Jesus Christ, the Son of God, to Israel.


26. Who received the revelation that John was 'the baptizer of the holy spirit'? The one who the Holy Spirit descends and stays on.


27. How many of John's disciples followed Jesus after hearing him “the Lamb of God”? Two disciples.


28. What did Andrew tell who Jesus was to his brother Simon? Messiah (Christ).


29. What new name did Jesus give Simon? Geba (Peter).


30. Philip, Andrew, and Peter are from one neighborhood. Where did they live? Bethsaida.


31. Who was Philip's friend who had a skeptical response to Jesus saying, 'What good thing can come from Nazareth'? Nathanael.


32. Where did Jesus perform his first miracle? Galilee Ghana.


33. What was the original use of the six stone jars that Jesus commanded to be filled with water? Ritual hand washing.


34. Where did Jesus, his family, and his disciples go together after Jesus performed his miracle at the wedding?  Capernaum.


35. What miracle of Jesus is mentioned only by John in his Gospel account? Turning water into wine.


36. What parable of Jesus is mentioned only by John in his Gospel account? The parable of the lost sheep.


37. Only John mentions the raising of Lazarus from the dead. In what city did that happen? Bethesda.

38. John mentions the money-changers and traders being cast out of the temple by Jesus. During what feast was that? Passover.


39. In a story told only in John's gospel, what was the name of the pool where Jesus healed a man which had an infirmity 38 years? Bethesda.

40. Why did Jesus not entrust himself to people? ① Because he knows all people ② Because he knows what is in man.


41. What did Jesus tell Nicodemus that he could not enter the kingdom of God unless he was born of what and what? Water and the Holy Spirit.


42. He said that no one went up to heaven except those “who came down from heaven”. Who is the one who came down from heaven? Jesus.


43. Why did John baptize in Anon near Salem? There was a lot of water there.


44. How will God certify that he who receives the witness of 'the one who comes from heaven' is? Truthful.

45. When Jesus heard that John the Baptist had been arrested, where did he go? Jerusalem.


46. At what age did Jesus begin his ministry? 30.


47. Who came to Jesus at night to hear his teaching? Nicodemus.

48. From what mountain did Jesus describe the signs of the times and the end of the age? Mount Olives.


49. When Herod heard of the works of Jesus, who did he think it was? John the Baptist.


50. What did Jesus say the leaven of the Pharisees was? Hypocrisy.
51. At which well did Jesus talk with a Samaritan woman? Jacob’s. 


52. What did Jesus say is the greatest commandment of the law? Love the Lord thy God.

53. How many swine died when Jesus permitted demons to possess them? 2,000.       


54. What surprised a Pharisee when Jesus ate dinner at his house? Jesus didn’t wash his hands.

55. From which book did Jesus read when he went into the synagogue at Nazareth? Isaiah.

56. What do you get when you” believe the son?" Eternal life.


57. What was the name of the town where Jacob's well where Jesus met the woman who came to draw water? Samaria.


58. Where did the Jews believe they had a place of worship? Jerusalem.


59. How were the Samaritans and Jews different in their worship? ① Place of worship ② Object of worship


60. How does God find those who worship? In Spirit and in Truth.


61. Where did Jesus tell the blind man to go wash? Pool of Siloam.


62. What does Siloam mean? Sent​.


63. Why were there many sick men in the pool of Bethesda? Angels sometimes come to the pool to stir the water, and those who enter first after the sickness will be healed of any disease, and waited there for water.


64. For how many years did the sick man who had been healed by Jesus in Bethesda suffer? 38 years.


65. Which gate of Bethesda is the pond next to Jerusalem? Both Gates.


66. Two main reasons why the Jews persecuted and killed Jesus? ① Breaking the Sabbath ② Making God the same as God's own Father


67. What tree did Zacchaeus climbed to see Jesus? A sycamore tree.


68. After Jesus was arrested, which apostle disowned him three times? Peter.


69. Which prophet prophesied that Jesus would be betrayed for thirty pieces of silver? Zechariah.


70. What did Jesus give to Judas as a sign that he was to betray Him? Bread.


71. Where was Jesus when He was arrested? A garden.


72. How many people came to arrest Jesus? A large crowd with swords and clubs.


73. Who was the chief priest who had Jesus arrested? Caiaphas.


74. On what charge did the Jewish court sentence Jesus to death? Blasphemy.


75. What was the name of the prisoner the people wanted released instead of Jesus? Barabbas.


76. Why did Pilate's wife send him a message? She had a frightening dream.


77. Who was told to carry Jesus' cross for Him? Simon the Cyrenian.


78. Who told Mary that Jesus was not in the tomb, but He had risen? An angel.

79. To whom did Jesus first appear after His resurrection? Mary Magdalene.

80. As the women went to tell Jesus' disciples that Jesus had risen, who did they meet on the way? Jesus.

81. What was the disciples response when they were told that Jesus had risen? They didn’t believe it.

82. The soldiers that had been guarding the tomb reported that the disciples had stolen Jesus' body. Why? Because they were given money.

83. Where did the disciples first see the risen Jesus? Jerusalem.

84. Which disciple said he would not believe Jesus had risen unless he could see the nail marks in his hands? Thomas.


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